For general enquiries and further information, please contact us:
PO Box 158,
Avarua, Rarotonga, COOK ISLANDS
Tel: +682 80826 or 55717 or 50137
Email: raroseasidevillas@gmail.com
In Rarotonga there is very little chance of you getting lost. We have two main driving roads, a main road and a back road.
Your “home away from home” is located on the main road in the village of Matavera. Your main landmark for public transportation is Tokerau Jim’s Pearl Carving Shop. All public transportation operators are familiar with this landmark.
You’ll also see our sign at the front of the property.
Due to the circular shape of the island, no matter where you are, you are guaranteed to end up right where you stated from just by driving along the ocean side main road. Should your curious, adventurous spirit take you inland into the lush tropics, just ask any friendly face for directions and they will guide you back to the main road.
Rarotonga is approximately 32km around and driving at legal speed, should take you 30-45 minutes via scooter or car.